Home of the best smelling sports equipment organizer in the world


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Frequently asked questions about

How to use

Yes it will.

All pin bindigs are made according to the same DIN standard. Thats why all Dynafit, Marker, Salomon or any other brand pin binding will fit your OKOsystematrix organiser. At least we never had a problem or had one reported. If your binding does not fit, we will supply you with a new and fitting mounting nut. Of course both new nut and postage would be covered by us if thats the case.

We only guarantee perfect functionality and safety with skis strapped. From our own experience on the other hand, straps are almost never needed as long as your OKOsystematrix organiser is mounted to a wall / stable base. Also bent brakes can cause a bit of trouble without a strap used. We just come home every day from skiing, shake snow off our skis, slam them together with the ski facing the wall being lower and boom we hang it within 3 seconds, only one hand is needed :)


The answer is both are included.

Screws we chose to hold The Base carrying your precious skis are high quality stainless steel torx beauties which are designed to work perfect both when mounted directly to wood and also into special expansion anchors for concrete. You will, off course, find these anchors in each box of your OKOsystematrix ski organiser too.

Yes, it is possible.

We can supply drywall anchors.

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