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iL Pretzel

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iL Pretzel accelerates the learning process of skiing for kids from 1 year of age


How does it work?

- your kids hold onto iL Pretzel 🔛 you drag

- your kids can hold iL Pretzel in their hands like a car steering wheel 

- your kids can use iL Pretzel as their first button lift 


How is that helpful?

- iL Pretzel prepares your kids for their first lift ride through fun & play

- Flat parts of slopes will be so much more fun for your kids

-Your kids will improve skiing parallel 

- You will be able to explore much further into the resorts 

- Your lower back will love you after using iL Pretzel


 iL Pretzel is a "must have" teaching tool for every skidad, skimum & skibum who likes to ski with kids.

It makes skiing for the smallest of us more fun. We the creators of iL Pretzel enjoy skiing with our kids so much more when we see them smiling on the mountain. Our kids aged between 1 and 5 years of age can ski happily for hours thanks to iL Pretzel. They are the inventors.

A stressful environment is a terrible thing. For kids and adults. Kids feel often stressed from the first ski session even if you are the best and most loving parent ever. We believe that every two-year-old astronaut on skis with a helmet still wider than his/her shoulders should get a chance to enjoy this strange way of moving down the hill called skiing from the first attempt.

Our mission is to make skiing for the smallest of us more fun.  


Caution: Please be aware that being connected to your kid on a slope might be extremely dangerous at times. iL Pretzel must never be used on slopes with other skiers around. It is also not designed for use on steep terrain. It should be used on rather a flat terrain and lifts. If there is a danger of people riding fast around you, then do not use iL Pretzel there.